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== General ==
== General ==
The buttonbox is used for time accurate(1ms) button press registration. We use it to register buttonpresses, soundkey, voicekey signals and to send tone onset, analog output, triggers with the BITSI protocol. It is suitable for Behavioral, EEG, MEG, and fMRI experiments. The buttonbox is connected to a computer with a usb connection.
== BITSI Protocol ==
BITSI stands for Bits to Serial Interface.The hardware design is based on an interface board called Arduino, which is named a BITSI shield or add-on. The shield is designed in a way that it can be duplicated easily. Find the technical design drawings attached.
The output connector has two binary eight bit ports: input and output. The two ports can be used for responses (input) and stimulus triggers (output). Two 8 bits analog outputs and three 8 bits analog inputs. The output connector has a sound and voicekey which triggers when a amplitude reaches a threshold?. The baseline for this treshold is determined for 1 sec when the BITSIbox is powered (no sound should be applied). By using the serial port, the BITSI can be used platform independently: it works on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. Most programming environments and stimulus packages support serial communication. 
== USB-Com port settings ==
== TSG ButtonBox hardware 2013 ==
== TSG ButtonBox hardware 2013 ==

Revision as of 15:28, 28 April 2014


The buttonbox is used for time accurate(1ms) button press registration. We use it to register buttonpresses, soundkey, voicekey signals and to send tone onset, analog output, triggers with the BITSI protocol. It is suitable for Behavioral, EEG, MEG, and fMRI experiments. The buttonbox is connected to a computer with a usb connection.

BITSI Protocol

BITSI stands for Bits to Serial Interface.The hardware design is based on an interface board called Arduino, which is named a BITSI shield or add-on. The shield is designed in a way that it can be duplicated easily. Find the technical design drawings attached.

The output connector has two binary eight bit ports: input and output. The two ports can be used for responses (input) and stimulus triggers (output). Two 8 bits analog outputs and three 8 bits analog inputs. The output connector has a sound and voicekey which triggers when a amplitude reaches a threshold?. The baseline for this treshold is determined for 1 sec when the BITSIbox is powered (no sound should be applied). By using the serial port, the BITSI can be used platform independently: it works on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. Most programming environments and stimulus packages support serial communication. 

USB-Com port settings

TSG ButtonBox hardware 2013

TSG ButtonBox software 2013

Presentation Settings


Psychopy Settings

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 from psychopy import core, visual, event from rusocsci import buttonbox import logging, time

 ##Setup Section
 #logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # use this for debug info

 win = visual.Window([400,300], monitor="testMonitor") bb = buttonbox.Buttonbox()

 ##Experiment Section

 b = bb.waitButtons(maxWait = 10.0, buttonList=['A']) print("b: {}".format(b))

 ##Cleanup Section

 core.quit() The following script lights the LEDs under the buttons pressed.

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 #from __future__ import print_function

 import logging, time, sys from rusocsci import buttonbox

 ##Setup Section

 led = [False]*8

 ##Experiment Section

 bb = buttonbox.Buttonbox() while True:

  buttons = bb.getButtons()
  if len(buttons):
  for c in buttons:
  if ord(c) >= ord('a') and ord(c) < ord('a')+8:
  led[ord(c) - ord('a')] = False
  elif ord(c) >= ord('A') and ord(c) < ord('A')+8:
  led[ord(c) - ord('A')] = True
  #print("buttons ({:3d}): {}{}".format(len(buttons), buttons, " "*50), end="\r")

Matlab Settings

 function handle = serial_buttonbox_common(cmd,varargin)
 % to initialize connection:
 % handle = serial_buttonbox('open',se)
 %    settings (se):
 %       define settings as a structure, i.e.:
 %       se.Device    = 'COM1';
 %       se.BaudRate  = 115200;
 %       se.DataBits  = 8;
 %       se.StopBits  = 1;
 %       se.Parity    = 0;
 %       se.PTBPath   = 'c:\MyToolboxes\PsychToolbox'
 % to close the connection:
 % serial_buttonbox('close',handle);
 persistent old_hdl
 % set defaults
 se.Device    = 'COM1';
 se.BaudRate  = 115200;
 se.DataBits  = 8;
 se.StopBits  = 1;
 se.Parity    = 0;
 se.PTBPath   = 'c:\Pgrogram Files\PsychToolbox';
 if nargin < 1
    cmd = 'open';
 if nargin > 1
    % user overwrites default settings
    flds = fields(varargin{1});
    for n = 1 : numel(flds)
       se.(flds{n}) = varargin{1}.(flds{n});
 switch cmd
    case 'open'
       % get handle to serial device
       handle = open_buttonbox(se.Device);
    case 'close'
       handle = varargin{1};
    case 'run'
       % read incoming data
       if isempty(old_hdl)
          help serial_buttonbox_common
          error('Buttonbox not yet initialized');
       handle = old_hdl;
       fprintf('Unknown option %s\n',cmd);
 % only gets here when cmd = 'run'
 while 1  
    % start polling for characters (indicating start of scan)
    navailable = IOPort('BytesAvailable', handle);
    if navailable
       data = [];
       while navailable
          % read incoming data
          [newdata, ~, err] = IOPort('Read', handle, 0, navailable);
          if ~isempty(err), disp(err); end
          data = [data newdata];
          %pause(0.001); % if possible just add a small pause to not claim entire core
          navailable = IOPort('BytesAvailable', handle);
       if numel(data)>1
          fprintf('\nReceived characters: %d\n',numel(data));
       for n = 1 : numel(data)
 %        disp(char(data(n)));
          fprintf('incoming: %d\t%s\n',data(n),char(data(n)));
 end %while 1
    function hdl = open_buttonbox(device)
       % open handle to serial device (mini buttonbox)
          hdl = IOPort('OpenSerialPort',device,['BaudRate=' num2str(se.BaudRate)]);
          if ~isempty(old_hdl)
          hdl = IOPort('OpenSerialPort',device,['BaudRate=' num2str(se.BaudRate)]);
       old_hdl = hdl;
       fprintf('Wait for device buttonbox....\n');
       while ~IOPort('BytesAvailable', hdl) && toc<10
          % wait for welcome message device
       % clear buffer
       %IOPort('flush', hdl);
       IOPort('purge', hdl);

Inquisit Settings

Work in progress


Work in progress