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Canon legria hf g26 videocamera caleghfg262.jpg
Canon Legria HF G26 Camcorder

Camcorders are video recording devices used to create stimuli and/or record participant behavior during research experiments. In an effort to standardize video recording formats and control interfaces, the TSG has adopted the Canon Legria and XA/XF ranges of camcorders for use in our research labs (effective 2019). For simple, more user-friendly video recordings, you can use iPods


Image: 200 pixels Image: 200 pixels
Canon Legria HF G26 Canon XF405
Max. Resolution 1080p 4K



The most common use of our camcorders is to record participant behavior in our labs. Be aware of your recording settings when filming many participants for many hours: the higher the resolution, framerate and bitrate, the larger the file size. Large files may take a long time to transfer and backup, and will cost the faculty a lot of server storage space when archived in Workgroup folders and Data repositories. The TSG advices the following settings for general purpose recordings for an optimal quality to file-size ratio, as well as for easy importing in any video coding software:

Format MP4
Resolution 1280 * 720 pixels (720p)
Framerate 25 fps (progressive)
Bitrate 4 Mbps (for h264 codec)

If you wish to record highly detailed movements, or retain more detail over larger distances, increase the resolution and bitrate. In most cameras these values are linked. Check the user manual or our quick start guide for your camera model to see how to adjust these settings.

Stimuli Recording

If you wish to use our camcorders to record video for creating stimuli, please contact Erik van den Berge.

See Also