Software Documentation
Find the user manual here /images/3/32/User manual ClearView 2.7.zip
Find the DCC manual here /images/d/df/Tobii.doc
Important information for connecting to the Tobii.
The 'old' 1750 Tobii uses the TET-server program on the computer to collect data. Use Presentation local IP. address.
The Tobii T60 and T120 have the TET server build into the Tobii. For this you have to use the IP.address of the specific Tobii.
Tobii Babylab T120-205-90500543 uses IP.address
Tobii BSI 1 uses IP.address
Tobii BSI 2 uses IP.address
Presentation Script
Find the presentation script here /images/d/d2/TobiiEyetrackerExtension 1 1.zip
SMI iview
Hardware Documentation
Find the user manual here Media:iView X SDK Manual.pdf
Presentation Script
Find the presentation extension here Media:eye-tracking Presentation iview.zip
Find the presentation script here Media:eye-tracking Presentation iview.zip
Python Script
Find the python script here Media:Python.zip