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You cannot find the documentation about the SensoriMotorLab on anymore. For documentation on the vBOT RobotLab, please visit

Some cheat sheet instructions for the sled lab:

Using the experiment control computer

The computer under the desk is called vnc. It is connected to the three screens in front of you. To run an experiment you log on to the experiment control computer (control)

ssh -X control

By default windows are opened on vnc, not on control. If you want to change this, then type on control

export DISPLAY=':0'

Starting the sled server and service

After restarting the sled server (which is practically never necessary) you also have to restart the sled service. Log on to the sled server

ssh sled

and type

sudo service sled start

This will start the standard version of the sled server.

If you want the version of the sled server with smoother sinusoid ramp-up. Please go here. This most likely not necessary for you.

Using video modes not available according to EDID

Normally the monitor tells the computer what its supported combinations of resolution and refresh rates (video modes) are. This system is called EDID. If for some reason you want to use a mode that is not in the list of EDID modes, you have to add it yourself. This is typically the case if you use an analog connections to the monitor.

Before adding a mode you have to allow it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf (this file may not exist yet), the crux is in the line containing AllowNonEdidModes:

Section "Monitor"
   Identifier     "Monitor0"
   VendorName     "Unknown"
   ModelName      "Idek Iiyama HM903DADTA"
   HorizSync       30.0 - 133.0
   VertRefresh     50.0 - 200.0
   Option         "DPMS"
Section "Device"
   Identifier     "Device0"
   Driver         "nvidia"
   VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
   BoardName      "GeForce GTX 770"
   Option         "ModeValidation" "AllowNonEdidModes"

To add a 144 Hz 1024x768 mode do the following:

xrandr --newmode "1024x768_144.00"  169.30  1024 1104 1216 1408  768 769 772 835  -HSync +Vsync
xrandr --addmode DVI-I-0 1024x768_144.00
xrandr --output DVI-I-0 --mode 1024x768_144.00

Mounting the Radboud file system, Personal folder

  1. Open the nautilus file manager. Note that this is not the standard file manager for the VNC computer.
  2. Click Connect to Server in the bottom left.
  3. Type for server address: smb:// replacing u123456 with your university number
  4. Use ru for the domain, your university number for the user name and your password.

Mounting the Radboud file system, Group folder

The best way

  1. Make a folder /home/experiment/Dcc
  2. Put the line: // /home/experiment/Dcc cifs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/experiment/.smbcredentials,gid=1000,uid=1000 0 0 in the file /etc/fstab
  3. Put the following in /home/experiment/.smbcredentials, replacing USERNAME with a functional account name that ISC has given you for this purpose, and PASSWORD with the corresponding password. You can also use the credentials of a random employee with the correct access rights.

The alternative way

Use the same method as for the personal folder, replacing the url with smb://

Mounting the Donders Research Data Repository (DRDR)

  1. Login tot with your university number.
  2. Get the Data Access Password by clicking your name in the top right corner. Remember the six digit password for the last step.
  3. Open the nautilus file manager. Note that this is not the standard file manager.
  4. Click Connect to Server in the bottom left.
  5. Type for server address: davs:// replacing u123456 with your university number
  6. Use the six digit password from the second step.

Mounting Surfdrive

  1. Got to to get username and password