This page provides a basic tutorial for users of the Xibo digital signage content management system within the Donders Centre for Cognition. These users will be presented with a customized interface, so the following steps will not necessarily apply to any other Xibo installation. For the full user manual, visit the Xibo documentation page.
Fig. 1: Dashboard landing page
Fig. 2.1: List of available layouts
Fig. 2.2: Adding a new layout
Fig. 3.1: Editing a region
Fig. 3.2: Region timeline
Fig. 3.3: Timeline item options
Fig. 3.4: Text formatting using styles
Fig. 4.1: List of available campaigns
Fig. 4.2: Adding and sorting layouts in a campaign
Fig. 5.1: Schedule overview (no events scheduled)
Fig. 5.2: Creating a new event, display selection
Fig. 5.3: Creating a new event, content selection
Fig. 5.4: Creating a new event, setting repeats
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