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3,986 bytes added ,  17:29, 24 November 2017
image V4 toegevoegd
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==Version 4==
''Released 2017-12-08''
'''Software Updates'''
* Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7
* alabaster 0.7.9 alabaster 0.7.10
* babel 2.3.4 babel 2.5.1
* certifi 2016.9.26 certifi 2017.7.27.1
* cffi 1.9.1 cffi 1.11.2
* colorama 0.3.7 colorama 0.3.9
* docutils 0.12 docutils 0.14
* expyriment 0.8.0 expyriment 0.9.0
* gevent 1.1.2 gevent 1.2.2
* greenlet 0.4.10 greenlet 0.4.12
* imageio 1.6 imageio 2.1.2
* jinja2 2.8 jinja2 2.9.6
* markupsafe 0.23 markupsafe 1.0
* matplotlib 1.5.3 matplotlib 2.1.0
* moviepy moviepy
* numpy 1.11.3 numpy 1.13.1
* openpyxl 2.3.5 openpyxl 2.4.9
* pandas 0.19.1 pandas 0.21.0
* pillow 3.4.2 pillow 4.3.0
* psutil 4.4.2 psutil 5.4.0
* psychopy 1.84.2 psychopy 1.85.3
* py 1.4.31 py 1.4.34
* pycparser 2.17 pycparser 2.18
* pygments 2.1.3 pygments 2.2.0
* pyparallel 0.2.2 pyparallel
* pyparsing 2.1.10 pyparsing 2.2.0
* pyqtgraph 0.9.10 pyqtgraph 0.10.0
* pyserial 3.2.1 pyserial 3.4
* pytest 3.0.3 pytest 3.2.3
* python-dateutil2.6.0 python-dateutil 2.6.1
* pytz 2016.7 pytz 2017.2
* pywin32 220 pywin32 221
* requests 2.11.1 requests 2.18.4
* rusocsci 0.7.8 rusocsci 0.7.9
* scipy 0.16.1 scipy 0.19.1
* seaborn 0.7.1 seaborn 0.8.1
* setuptools 20.10.1 setuptools 28.8.0
* six 1.10.0 six 1.11.0
* sphinx 1.5a2 sphinx 1.6.5
* tornado 4.4.2 tornado 4.5.2
* tqdm 4.10.0 tqdm 4.11.2
* python 2712 python 2714
* numpy 1.11.3 numpy 1.13.1
'''Software Changes'''
* python 2.7.12 python 2.7.14
* psychopy 1.84.2 psychopy 1.85.3
'''Removed Software'''
* ASIO4ALL 2.13
* OpenSesame 3.0.2-py2.7-win32-1
* ansi 0.1.3
* arrow 0.10.0
* builder 0.1.0
* coverage 4.2
* datastore 0.3.6
* django 1.10.5
* freetype-py 1.0.2
* futures 3.0.5
* image 1.5.5
* iolabs 3.2
* library 0.0.0
* networkx 1.11
* output 1.0.1
* parallel 0.2.5
* pp 1.6.5
* pyaml 16.11.0
* pyo 0.8.3
* sphinx-rtd-theme0.1.10a0
'''Added Software'''
* HASP SRM Run-time
* asn1crypto 0.23.0
* astroid 1.5.3
* backports.functools-lru-cache 1.4
* backports.shutil-get-terminal-size 1.0.0
* bleach 2.1.1
* boto 2.48.0
* bz2file 0.98
* chardet 3.0.4
* comtypes 1.1.3
* configparser 3.5.0
* cryptography 2.1.2
* cython 0.27.2
* entrypoints 0.2.3
* enum34 1.1.6
* functools32 3.2.3.post2
* future 0.16.0
* gensim 3.1.0
* hid 0.1.1
* html5lib 1.0b10
* idna 2.6
* ipaddress 1.0.18
* ipykernel 4.6.1
* ipython 5.5.0
* ipython-genutils 0.2.0
* ipywidgets 7.0.4
* isort 4.2.15
* jedi 0.11.0
* json-tricks 3.8.0
* jsonschema 2.6.0
* jupyter 1.0.0
* jupyter-client 5.1.0
* jupyter-console 5.2.0
* jupyter-core 4.3.0
* lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1
* mccabe 0.6.1
* mistune 0.8
* nbconvert 5.3.1
* nbformat 4.4.0
* ndg-httpsclient 0.4.3
* nibabel 2.2.0
* nltk 3.2.5
* nose 1.3.7
* notebook 5.2.1
* numexpr 2.6.4
* numpydoc 0.7.0
* opencv-python
* pandocfilters 1.4.2
* parso 0.1.0
* pathlib2 2.3.0
* patsy 0.4.1
* pattern 2.6
* pickleshare 0.7.4
* pipdeptree 0.10.1
* prompt-toolkit 1.0.15
* pyasn1 0.3.7
* pycodestyle 2.3.1
* pyfilesec 0.2.14
* pyflakes 1.6.0
* pyhook 1.5.1
* pylint 1.7.4
* pyopenssl 17.3.0
* pyosf 1.0.5
* pyzmq 16.0.3
* qtawesome 0.4.4
* qtconsole 4.3.1
* qtpy 1.3.1
* rope 0.10.7
* scandir 1.5
* scikit-learn 0.19.1
* simplegeneric 0.8.1
* smart-open 1.5.3
* sounddevice 0.3.9
* sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.0.1
* spyder 3.2.4
* statsmodels 0.8.0
* svgwrite 1.1.11
* tables 3.4.2
* testpath 0.3.1
* traitlets 4.3.2
* typing 3.6.2
* urllib3 1.22
* wcwidth 0.1.7
* webencodings 0.5.1
* wheel 0.30.0
* widgetsnbextension 3.0.7
* win-unicode-console 0.5
* wrapt 1.10.11
* wxPython
* xlrd 1.1.0
* xlsxwriter 1.0.2
* xlwt 1.3.0
'''Minor Changes'''
* a shortcut to the workgroupdrive is placed on the desktop
* shortcuts to spyder an psychopy are placed on the desktop
* UsefulInfo is adjusted
==Version 3.3==
==Version 3.3==
''Released 2017-09-20''
''Released 2017-09-20''

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