Mounting a Webdav File System

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Quite often we will give a researcher access to a web experiment by giving a webdav enabled url, a username and password. This page describes how to use this url. In the remainder of this page we will assume that you were given the url, the username u123456 and the password PASSWORD.


To use the url in a webbrowser, just open the url and type username and password in the popup dialog.

The page show is a SabreDav web page that will give you a limited number of features (create new folder, upload file, ...).

Using Sabre Webdav in your browser.


In Linux (and other POSIX compliant operating systems) you can connect a local directory (~/experiment in this example) to the Webdav resource (replace USER with your username):

 sudo apt install davfs2 # no need to allow non root users (setuid root)
 mkdir ~/experiment
 sudo mount.davfs ~/experiment -o rw,uid=USER,gid=USER

If you want to mount this resource each time you boot your computer, put the following in /etc/fstab (replacing USER with your username) /home/USER/experiment davfs _netdev,noauto,user,uid=USER,gid=USER 0 0

and put the password in /etc/davfs2/secrets using:

 /home/USER/experiment u123456 PASSWORD


Type ctrl-L to open the address bar. Type the address: davs:// A popup will appear for the password.


Click the address bar. Type the address: webdavs:// A popup will appear for the password.


If you use Microsoft windows, Cyberduck is probably the best choice for mounting a webdav resource.

Mounting a webdav filesystem in cyberduck

Microsoft Windows

One can use the Microsoft Windows """Map Network Drive""" feature to assign a drive letter. No special Windows program is needed to do this. It is an operating system feature. Note that there are quite a few issues. If you use Microsoft Windows it is usually a better idea to use an external program for accessing a webdav drive.

Mapping a network drive in Microsoft Windows