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Kinect V2



The Kinect is a motion sensing input device. Based around a webcam-style add-on peripheral, it enables users to control and interact with their computer by retrieving joint information. Microsoft enables a non-commercial Kinect SDK for gestures and spoken commands.


The device features an "RGB camera, depth sensor and multi-array microphone running proprietary software, which provide full-body 3D motion capture, facial recognition, voice recognition and acoustic source localization capabilities.

The depth sensor consists of an infrared laser projector combined with a monochrome CMOS sensor, which captures video data in 3D. Kinect is capable of simultaneously tracking up to six people. sensors output video at a frame rate of 15 Hz(low light) to 30 Hz. The default RGB video stream uses 8-bit VGA resolution (512 x 424 pixels) with a Bayer color filter, but the hardware is capable of resolutions up to 1920x1080 @30fps colour image. The Kinect sensor has a practical ranging limit of 1.2–4.5 m distance. The Kinect can process 2 gigabytes of data per second, so it uses USB 3. The SDK runs only on windows 8.

Look at the color depth:)


You can retrieve this joint information as well as finger information


Presentation software

begin; array{ ellipse_graphic { ellipse_width = 1; ellipse_height = 1; color = 255, 0, 0; }; ellipse_graphic { ellipse_width = 1; ellipse_height = 1; color = 0, 255, 0; }; }arrayJoints; picture { text { font = "Arial"; font_size = 20; caption = "move a bit:)"; } cap; x = 0; y = -400; } pic; begin_pcl; array<vector> data[0]; # in centimeters array<int> body_ids[0]; int counter = 0, dataBody; string toScreen; sub change_caption( string caption ) begin cap.set_caption( caption, true ); pic.present() end; sub showJoint( int joint , int partNr) begin pic.set_part_x(partNr+1,data[joint].x() * 10); pic.set_part_y(partNr+1,data[joint].y() * 10); if partNr <= 3 then arrayJoints[partNr].set_dimensions(data[joint].z(),data[joint].z()); arrayJoints[partNr].redraw(); end; end; kinect k = new kinect(); depth_data dd = k.depth(); dd.RES_512x424; body_tracker tracker = k.body(); tracker.set_seated( true ); tracker.start(); pic.present(); body_data bd; loop until !is_null( bd ) begin bd = tracker.get_new_body(); end; #add the joints to picture loop int count = 1; until count > 6 begin pic.add_part(arrayJoints[count],0,0); count = count + 1; end; dd.start(); loop until false begin if (dd.new_data()) then counter = counter + 1; bd.get_positions( data, body_ids); if data.count() > 0 then showJoint(bd.HAND_RIGHT,1); showJoint(bd.HAND_LEFT,2); showJoint(bd.HEAD,3); showJoint(bd.WRIST_RIGHT,4); showJoint(bd.HAND_TIP_RIGHT ,5); showJoint(bd.THUMB_RIGHT,6); toScreen = "dataCount: " + string(counter) + "\n"; toScreen.append("data X: " + string(data[bd.HAND_RIGHT].x()) + "\n"); toScreen.append("data Y: " + string(data[bd.HAND_RIGHT].y()) + "\n"); toScreen.append("dataZ: " + string(data[bd.HAND_RIGHT].z()) + "\n"); change_caption( toScreen ); end; end; end;