Help:LimeSurvey/Demo audio

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LimeSurvey has limited support for the use of audio in surveys, but luckily there is a workaround, described below. This process is very similar to adding video For the best cross-browser support, convert your audio files to MP3.

Uploading Files

First upload the audio. Do this the same way that you would upload images. You will not see a preview. There is no need to change anything about the settings.

    Upload your file (screenshot says .mp4, but the same goes for .mp3
    Copy the URL path (Ctrl+C)

Cancel out of the Image Properties interface and paste the copied path in the question field for future reference.

Creating Audio Element

Click the Source button and add the following code:

<audio autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls">
    <source src="XXXXXXXX" type="audio/mpeg"> 
    Your browser does not support audio playback. 

Replace the XXXXXXXX with the path you pasted in earlier.
If you do not want the audio to play automatically after the page loads, remove the autoplay="autoplay" bit.
The line "Your browser does not support audio playback." is only displayed on browsers that do not support HTML5 audio playback. All modern browsers will support it.