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E-Prime "Serial Response Box"


Revision 1

Revision 3

Revision 4

Presentation Settings


Psychopy Settings

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 from psychopy import core, visual, event from rusocsci import buttonbox import logging, time

 ##Setup Section
 #logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # use this for debug info

 win = visual.Window([400,300], monitor="testMonitor") bb = buttonbox.Buttonbox()

 ##Experiment Section

 b = bb.waitButtons(maxWait = 10.0, buttonList=['A']) print("b: {}".format(b))

 ##Cleanup Section

 core.quit() The following script lights the LEDs under the buttons pressed.

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 #from __future__ import print_function

 import logging, time, sys from rusocsci import buttonbox

 ##Setup Section

 led = [False]*8

 ##Experiment Section

 bb = buttonbox.Buttonbox() while True:

  buttons = bb.getButtons()
  if len(buttons):
  for c in buttons:
  if ord(c) >= ord('a') and ord(c) < ord('a')+8:
  led[ord(c) - ord('a')] = False
  elif ord(c) >= ord('A') and ord(c) < ord('A')+8:
  led[ord(c) - ord('A')] = True
  #print("buttons ({:3d}): {}{}".format(len(buttons), buttons, " "*50), end="\r")

Matlab Settings

=================================================================================================== function handle = serial_buttonbox_common(cmd,varargin) % to initialize connection: % handle = serial_buttonbox('open',se) % settings (se): % define settings as a structure, i.e.: % se.Device = 'COM1'; % se.BaudRate = 115200; % se.DataBits = 8; % se.StopBits = 1; % se.Parity = 0; % se.PTBPath = 'c:\MyToolboxes\PsychToolbox' % % to close the connection: % serial_buttonbox('close',handle); persistent old_hdl % set defaults se.Device = 'COM1'; se.BaudRate = 115200; se.DataBits = 8; se.StopBits = 1; se.Parity = 0; se.PTBPath = 'c:\Pgrogram Files\PsychToolbox'; if nargin < 1 cmd = 'open'; end if nargin > 1 % user overwrites default settings flds = fields(varargin{1}); for n = 1 : numel(flds) se.(flds{n}) = varargin{1}.(flds{n}); end end switch cmd case 'open' addpath(genpath(se.PTBPath)); % get handle to serial device handle = open_buttonbox(se.Device); return case 'close' handle = varargin{1}; IOPort('close',handle); return case 'run' % read incoming data if isempty(old_hdl) help serial_buttonbox_common error('Buttonbox not yet initialized'); end handle = old_hdl; otherwise fprintf('Unknown option %s\n',cmd); return end % only gets here when cmd = 'run' while 1 % start polling for characters (indicating start of scan) navailable = IOPort('BytesAvailable', handle); if navailable data = []; while navailable % read incoming data [newdata, ~, err] = IOPort('Read', handle, 0, navailable); if ~isempty(err), disp(err); end data = [data newdata]; %pause(0.001); % if possible just add a small pause to not claim entire core navailable = IOPort('BytesAvailable', handle); end if numel(data)>1 fprintf('\nReceived characters: %d\n',numel(data)); end for n = 1 : numel(data) % disp(char(data(n))); fprintf('incoming: %d\t%s\n',data(n),char(data(n))); end end end %while 1 function hdl = open_buttonbox(device) % open handle to serial device (mini buttonbox) try hdl = IOPort('OpenSerialPort',device,['BaudRate=' num2str(se.BaudRate)]); catch if ~isempty(old_hdl) IOPort('close',old_hdl); end hdl = IOPort('OpenSerialPort',device,['BaudRate=' num2str(se.BaudRate)]); end old_hdl = hdl; fprintf('Wait for device buttonbox....\n'); tic while ~IOPort('BytesAvailable', hdl) && toc<10 % wait for welcome message device end pause(0.5); % clear buffer %IOPort('flush', hdl); IOPort('purge', hdl); end end

Inquisit Settings
